Alfa your life and check banking off your daily to do list. Manage your savings. Track your expenses. Pay your bills. Request for a new cheque book. Set reminders, recharge your Netflix account. Or just go shopping. Alfa will keep you ahead.
You can download Alfa from iTunes or Google Play Store
If you’re an Bank Alfalah Internet Banking customer then login using your existing ID and Password.
Or you can register using your Bank Alfalah Account or Credit Card details
- Manage your chip based Debit Card
- View account information or access your last 30 days transaction details
- Pay your Bank Alfalah Credit Card bill instantly or view your credit cards details
- Access your loans and Bancassurance details
With AlfaPay you can scan QR code to make instant payments at over 15000 Masterpass merchants across Pakistan. Pay using your Bank Alfalah Account, Credit Card, Wallet or with Orbits.
- Phone Tagging:
You can tag your phone to make quick payments without the need to login. Your default payment option will be automatically selected. - Default Account:
Select or change your default payment method. You can choose between your Bank Alfalah Account, Credit Card, Wallet or Orbits as payment options. - Authorization Mode:
You can either use Alfa password or AlfaPay PIN to process your payment without logging in. - PIN:
You can create a 4digit PIN to process your AlfaPay transaction. - Transaction History:
You can view transaction details on AlfaPay for up to 30 days.
- Phone Tagging:
- You can also request for:
- Cheque book
- Address Change
- SMS subscription
- e-Statement subscription
- Transfer funds instantly to any Bank Alfalah account or Other IBFT enabled accounts
- Raast: Pakistan’s Instant Payment System, allows you to make your mobile number your bank account number. Enjoy the convenience of receiving and sending funds via Raast without any charges.
- Top up or pay your own or anyone’s mobile bill instantly
- Pay your utility bills
- Pay your Internet Service charges
- Stay updated on all the discounts on Bank Alfalah Credit and Debit Card
- Locate Bank Alfalah branches, ATMs and cash deposit machines near you (through GPS)
- Pay for your online shopping on, Shophive,
- Set date and location reminder
- Change your daily app transaction limits
- Apply for Bank Alfalah products instantly
For any assistance contact Alfa helpline from anywhere anytime at 042 111-225- 224
Transaction Limits (per day) | |
Package IB399 | PKR 250,000 |
Package IB449 | PKR 500,000 |
Package IB599 | PKR 1,000,000 |
AlfaPay (each transaction) | PKR 500,000 |
Fee | |
Package IB399 | Free |
Package IB449 | Free |
Package IB599 | Free |
Balance Inquiry & Mini Statement | Free |
Utility Bill Payments & Mobile Top-ups | Free |
Internal Funds Transfer | Free |
Requests | Free |
Movie Tickets | Free (There are no bank charges on purchasing Cinepax tickets) |
Online Shopping | Free (There are no bank charges on making payments for online shopping) |
Donations | Free (There are no bank charges on making donations) |
Inter-Bank Funds Transfer (IBFT) | |
Raast Payment | Free |
Up to a minimum aggregate sending limit of PKR 25,000/- per month per account/wallet |
As per SOC |
Amount exceeding aggregate of monthly PKR 25,000/- | As per SOC |