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Know Our Groups

The Compliance and Control Group strives to ensure that the business practices are in line with Regulatory expectations, especially considering that the Banking Industry has recently witnessed major structural changes fostered by the State Bank of Pakistan and other regulatory bodies. The team’s role is to facilitate a more competitive, service oriented, financially sound, and technologically advanced banking practice.

The Corporate, Investment Banking, and International Business Group (CIBG) manages Bank Alfalah’s comprehensive portfolio of strategic solutions to help clients manage complex transactions and assist investors to hedge their exposure against a range of financial risks. CIBG opens a wide array of opportunities within Investment, Corporate and Transaction Banking and also International Business and Financial Institution Departments.

The Digital Banking Group is actively contributing to the efforts of digitizing Pakistan’s financial landscape and promoting financial inclusion. The Digital Strategy revolves around collaboration with strategic partners to launch innovative digital products and services for the Bank’s customers.

The Alfa mobile application is a manifestation of the Bank’s digital products. The way forward involves digitizing and automating of business processes and using advanced analytics to acquire and serve customers efficiently. The Group is making great strides in upgrading its systems in line with global best practices.

The Finance group is responsible for information collection, processing, and its dissemination to various stakeholders within the Bank such as the Board of Directors (Board), Shareholders and Groups / Divisions, as well as external stakeholders such as the Regulator, rating agencies and ministries.

The Group’s core job is producing information with a level of accuracy and efficiency, ensuring the sanctity of recording of transactions as per applicable rules, and to further ensure processing this information against set guiding factors across the bank for accounting & book-keeping so that the information is easily extractable and reportable.

The Human Capital Group at Bank Alfalah focuses on building a WOW Employee Experience for its employees. Its mission is to create a productive and conducive environment for employees to catalyze their professional and personal growth. The team has a progressive approach towards attracting and retaining the right talent, and developing their performance potential, all through the nurturing of a culture of Happiness and Positivity.

The Information Technology at Bank Alfalah has simplified consumer needs with the use of process automation, real time analysis and state of the art infrastructure. To offer optimal services to its customers, the availability, reachability & reliability of these services are a priority.

With the help of strong core banking solutions, real time reporting of the branch network, and positive work environment, there are unlimited possibilities in this digitized era.

The Islamic Banking Group offers both branch level and digital platform driven products and services to facilitate our clients Shariah compliant banking requirements. The group adds value through innovative product development, existing product redesign, data analytics, process restructuring, campaign design,
campaign management, and digital transformation. Employees in the Islamic Banking Group are not only exposed to the principles of Islamic banking but also the importance of innovative solutions and digital transformation to create utmost value for our customers.

Bank Alfalah’s Marketing develops tactical strategies to drive the brand equity and promote the Bank’s initiative across its stakeholder universe through creative content for multi-channel campaigns. The team designs and creates digital and branding materials through consumer insights, SMART and data-driven marketing.

The Retail Group focuses on providing progressive and innovative banking solutions for our Retail and Small & Medium Enterprise (SME) clients. As financial doctors and consultants, the group ensures that new products are developed and existing products are delivered to exceed the banking and financial requirements of our clients.

Driven mainly by Branch Banking and supported by Consumer Finance, Wealth Management, SME and Marketing, this group ensures the right financial services are delivered to the customers at the right time.

The Strategy, Transformation, and Customer Experience works towards driving the key strategy cornerstones of the bank, primarily focused towards capital planning, revenue optimization, efficiency enhancement and strengthening customer centricity.

To drive the strategy, initiatives are undertaken, and governance structures are modelled in collaboration with relevant stakeholders, to meet the planned aspirations. The execution primarily focuses on identifying opportunities from data driven insights leading to innovation and automation.

Treasury and Financial Markets Group plays a pivotal role in guiding the Bank and its customers through markets that impact the balance of risks and returns.

Treasury is an active player with major focus on client-centric solutions. It contributes towards managing balance sheet exposures emanating from liquidity, interest rate & foreign exchange risks. Treasury’s Sales Desk provides a wide range of products to cater to the foreign exchange, interest rate, financing and investment needs of its clients.

The Financial Markets function offers comprehensive equity solutions. Leveraging its active role in Capital Markets and their development, the Bank has established an award winning Equity Advisory and Investor Relation franchise.