
Hospital Cash Assist by TPL Life

How to Apply for Hospital Cash Assist by TPL Life Insurance?

  1. Login to Alfa
  2. Tap on Insurance Banner
  3. Select Health Insurance
  4. Select your desired Premium & Agree to the Basic Fact Sheet
  5. Check your prepopulated details
  6. Confirm your consent by pressing 1 over recorded/IVR call
  7. Check your details in the Policy Briefcase

Product Summary

Product Type Health Insurance Product
Variant Conventional
Product Description “Hospital Cash Assist by TPL Life ” insurance product provides you living benefit during your life you can get the pay out in case of hospitalization.
Premium Term Yearly or Monthly
Policy Term Yearly or Monthly
Policy Premium Currency PKR

Policy Issuance

Application Guaranteed Issuance (Pre-Underwritten)
Issue Ages Min Issue Age: 18
Max Issue Age: 54
Free Look Period 14 Days (in case of Yearly option)
07 days (in case of Monthly option)

Premium & Benefits

Premium Yearly Option
(a) 1,500 (b) 3,750 (c) 7,500 (d) 15,000 (e) 30,000
Monthly Option
(a) 150 (b) 400 (c) 800 (d) 1,500 (e) 3,000
HCA Daily Benefit (a) 2,000 (b) 5,000 (c) 10,000 (d) 20,000 (e) 40,000
Accidental Disability (a) 100,000 (b) 250,000 (c) 500,000 (d) 750,000 (e) 1,000,000


Pre – Existing Coverage Not Covered
Death Benefit None


Daily Cash Benefit Exclusions
  1. Intemperance, illegal drug-taking, any crime committed by the life Assured, willful self-inflicted injury while sane or insane or unreasonable failure to seek or follow medical advice, effect of alcohol or any drug, poison, gas or fumes, voluntarily or involuntarily taken.
  2. Aviation, except as a passenger in a commercially licensed passenger aircraft.
  3. Any form of war, invasion, hostilities (whether war be declared or undeclared) civil war, rebellion, riots, insurrection, military or usurped power, terrorism or willful participation in acts of violence.
  4. Participation in sports or pastimes of a hazardous nature including but not limited to parachuting, parascending potholing, mountaineering and hot air ballooning.
  5. Congenital anomalies and conditions arising out of or resulting therefrom.
  6. Pregnancy, childbirth, abortion and any complication thereof.
  7. General check-ups.
  8. Cosmetic or plastic surgery, except as a result of any injury.
  9. Any mental or nervous disorder or rest cures.
  10. Stay in sanitariums for whatever reason and whatever treatment.
  11. Engaging in any type of racing, except athletics or swimming.
  12. Infection with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) or variants (including Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) or AIDS Related Complex (ARC).
  13. Organ or tissue transplantation when the life Assured is a donor.
  14. Sexually transmitted diseases.
  15. Any pre-existing conditions.
Accidental Disability (Permanent and Total) Exclusions:
  1. The Accidental Disability (Permanent and Total) benefit does not cover any loss resulting from or caused directly or indirectly, wholly or partly, by:
    1. Attempted suicide, self‐destruction or self‐inflicted injury, while sane or insane, or any attempt thereat; or
    2. Disease or bodily or mental infirmity, or medical or surgical treatment thereof, or hernia, ptomaine or bacterial infections except pyogenic infections of and through a visible wound accidentally sustained; or
    3. Aviation, gliding or any form of aerial flight other than as a fare paying passenger of a recognized airline or charter service; or
    4. Being under the influence of alcohol, intoxicants or drugs other than in accordance with the directions of a registered medical practitioner; or
    5. Involvement in any underwater activity.
    6. Participation in or training for any dangerous or hazardous sport of competition or riding or driving in any form of race or competition or
    7. Any breach of law by the Insured Person or assault provoked by him; or
    8. Injury (ies) caused by nuclear fission, nuclear fusion or radioactive contamination; or
    9. While engaging in or taking part in any naval, military or air force operation; or
    10. Pregnancy, abortion or childbirth; or
    11. Nuclear, Chemical or Biological (something); or
    12. Any disease or medical condition from which the Insured/Covered was suffering or had a past history at the commencement of the cover or his date of entry, if later; or
  2. War, invasion, act of foreign enemies, hostilities or war like operations (whether war be declared or not), including civil war, mutiny, riot, civil commotion assuming the proportions or amounting to a popular rising, military rising, insurrection, revolution, rebellion, conspiracy, military usurped power, martial law or state of siege, or any acts of any person acting on behalf of or in connection with any organization actively directed towards the overthrow by force of any Government or to the influencing of it by terrorism or violence.

How does this Plan work?

GOD for bidden, customer(s) has been hospitalized due to any reason for 3 days at a hospital, upon claim TPL Life Insurance Limited will pay you an amount of Rs. 2,000 * 3 = 6,000 (Coverage amount multiply by # of days’ hospitalization).