Alfa Zindagi – Alfa Zindagi by EFU LifeAlfa Zindagi – Alfa Zindagi by EFU Life

Alfa Zindagi – Alfa Zindagi by EFU Life

How to Apply for Alfa Zindagi by EFU Life?

  1. Login to Alfa
  2. Tap on Insurance Banner
  3. Select Life Insurance
  4. Select your desired Premium & Agree to the Basic Fact Sheet
  5. Enter your beneficiary details
  6. Confirm your consent by pressing 1 over recorded/IVR call
  7. Check your details in the Policy Briefcase


Product Summary

Product Type Term Life
Variant Conventional
Product Description Alfa Zindagi by EFU Life is a term life insurance plan which offers coverage in
case of death due to any causes. In case of covered member’s
death the beneficiary will get the lump sum amount.
Premium Term Annual Renewable till the Age of 65 Years of Age
Policy Term One Year
Policy Currency PKR



Application Guaranteed Issuance
Issue Ages Min Issue Age: 18
Max Issue Age: 64
Free Look Period A free look period of 30 days during which the customer can cancel the policy and get a full premium refund.



Death Benefit Sum Assured will be paid in case of death only (death due to any reason).
Death Benefit Variant Not Applicable
Exclusions 1. Suicide and self-inflicted injury.
2. The benefit under the policy shall not cover Member’s death due to any pre-existing condition within 90 days of the commencement date.



Premium (PKR) (a) 600 (b) 2,850 (c) 5,750
Sum Assured (PKR) (a) 100,000 (b) 500,000 (c) 1,000,000

EFU Life Assurance Ltd is the product underwriter and BAFL is the distributor of the product.

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