Payment Frequency
The minimum collected basic contribution is PKR 250,000. The contributions can be made on Annual, Semi-Annual or Quarterly basis.
Note: For a better understanding in making your selection according to your savings and takaful needs, you may contact representatives at your nearest Bank Alfalah Limited branch.
The plan is available to all Bank Alfalah customers between 18 to 65 years of age.
Term of Plan
Minimum Term: 10 years
Maximum Term: 25 years (subject to a maximum coverage age of 85 years)
Following are the requirements for Claims settlement:
- Claimant’s Statement to be completed and signed by you : Download the form from the this link
- Physician’s Statement to be filled by the Physician who treated/attended the deceased : Download the form from the this link
- Original Union Council Death Certificate which will be returned to you OR copy duly attested by Union Council
- Copy of hospital death certificate
- Original Policy Document
- All previous and current medical treatment record of deceased
- Copies of CNIC’s of Beneficiary & Deceased
- Copy of FIR/Police Report duly attested by the issuing authority (In case of accident)
- Copy of Post Mortem Report duly attested by the issuing authority (In case of accident)
Note: Further requirements can be asked for depending on the case.