Bank Alfalah Launched Bank Alfalah Karobar Current AccountBank Alfalah Launched Bank Alfalah Karobar Current Account

Bank Alfalah Launched Bank Alfalah Karobar Current Account

Dhaka, August 14, 2014:
Bank Alfalah launched new product “Bank Alfalah Karobar Current Account” for business segment of the country. The product is Bank Alfalah’s unique current account proposition, tailor made to suit business segment’s requirement. By maintaining certain average balances the account holder would be able to avail a host of free transaction related services. Mr. S.A.A. Masrur, Country Head Bank Alfalah, Mr. Muhammad Ehsan Ul Haq Qureshi, Country Operations Head, Mr. Tarek Reaz Khan, Head of Retail, senior officials and valuable customers of Bank Alfalah were present on the occasion.