Bank Alfalah VISA Debit CardBank Alfalah VISA Debit Card

Bank Alfalah VISA Debit Card

Welcome to our world of VISA Debit Cards. As a Bank Alfalah VISA Debit Card holder, you can enjoy a plethora of benefits and services designed carefully to meet your needs:

Features & Benefits:

Country-wide Acceptability
Bank Alfalah VISA Debit Card saves you from the hassle of carrying cash or writing cheques, along with the freedom of making electronic payments anywhere in Bangladesh. It is compatible with VISA, NPSB and Q – Cash network.

World Class Security
Bank Alfalah VISA Debit Card comes with enhanced EMV chip based security features to make it more protected from fraud risks. The new EMV chip based cards have in-built security functionalities in areas like card authentication, card holder verifi­cation and transaction authorization.

e-Commerce Transactions
You will be able to avail the benefi­ts of e-commerce transactions such as online shopping with your Bank Alfalah VISA Debit Card.

Contactless Payments (Tap To Pay)

Bank Alfalah VISA Debit Card comes with contactless technology, for more convenient transactions. Contactless payments are faster ways to pay with your Debit Card for purchases up to BDT 5,000 at participating POS Machines. Simply tap your card on the contactless POS Machine and you’re done!

PIN Generation
Generating your card PIN is easy and hassle free. You don’t need to visit any branch for this and can easily complete it on your own, instantly. Following are easy step by step guidelines to generate your card PIN:
Step 1: Call our 24/7 Phone Banking Service at 16515 using your registered phone number with the bank.
Step 2: One of our phone banking of­ficers will verify your details and transfer your call to IVR for PIN generation. Simply follow the IVR instructions to generate your PIN.
Step 3: You’re done. You will receive a confi­rmation SMS that your PIN has been generated successfully.

Exclusive Discount Arrangement
You can enjoy exclusive discount offer at different retail outlets with your Bank Alfalah VISA Debit Card. For more details Click Here

Card Limits
The daily transaction limits for your card are as follows:

Transaction Type Limits
Cash Withdrawals BDT 200,000
POS Transactions BDT 200,000
E-Commerce/Online Transactions BDT 100,000
NFC (Contactless) Transactions BDT 5000 Per Transaction

Fees and Charges
As per the Bank’s Schedule of Charges. For details Click Here

Usage and Protection of Card: Click Here to download the PDF.