Relief under SME Financing & SBP Refinance Schemes to Dampen the Effects of Covid -19Relief under SME Financing & SBP Refinance Schemes to Dampen the Effects of Covid -19

Relief under SME Financing & SBP Refinance Schemes to Dampen the Effects of Covid -19

Bank Alfalah offers relief under SME financing through deferring repayment of principal loan amount by one year upon a written request of an obligor received before 30th June 2020, provided that the obligor will continue to service the mark-up amount as per agreed terms & conditions.

The financing facilities of such obligors, which are unable to service the mark-up amount or need deferment exceeding one year, may be rescheduled / restructured upon their request.

In order to broaden the scope of our earlier relaxations, Bank Alfalah offers deferment of only principal amount for one year or rescheduling/restructuring of the loans relaxation for following SBP refinance schemes along with their respective Shariah compliant alternative schemes:

  • Long Term Financing Facility (LTFF)
  • Financing Facility for Storage of Agricultural Produce (FFSAP)
  • Refinance Facility for Modernization of SMEs
  • Refinance and Credit Guarantee Scheme for Women Entrepreneurs
  • Refinance Scheme for Working Capital Financing of SE and Low-End ME
  • Small Enterprise (SE) Financing and Credit Guarantee Scheme for Special Persons

Validity of the facility: 30th June,2020

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